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“Illuminations: Aleph to Tav”

Mixed Media Exhibit Explores Symbolism of Hebrew Aleph Bet
International Exhibit Premiere: Tucson Jewish Community Center
November 23, 2016 – January 29, 2017



Aluminum - 28" x 28"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit


"And G-d said, 'Let there be light.' And there was light."

                                                                         Genesis 1:3


Light has always been the most favored metaphor for all forms of revelation. We speak of "G-dly light," "Divine light," the "new light" of the Redemption. We use expressions such as, "Do you still walk in darkness or have you seen the light?"


As physical light brightens our path so we don't stumble over obstacles, so the light of G-dliness, our spiritual awareness, helps us avoid the pitfalls on the journey of life.


Light represents truth, eternal values, the spiritual, which transcends the mundane, and the temporal. It is my sincere prayer your journey through this exhibition will shine a light on your path and offer you the wisdom of ancient symbolism.

Custom Size Commissions Available

Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe



Aluminum - 22" x 28" x 1"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit


“Forever the words of G-d are hanging in the heavens.”

                                                                    Psalms 119:89


The painted image of this Alumination represents what we read in Genesis on how G-d created the heavens, the dry land and the seas.


“The crucial thing to realize is that G-d did not merely create the world once. His words didn’t emerge and evaporate. Rather, G-d continues to create the world anew each and every moment. His words are there constantly, ‘hanging in the heavens.’ And the aleph-bet is the foundation of this ongoing process of creation.”

                                     - Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov

Custom Size Commissions Available

Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe

Shalom/Salaam:  A Conversation (Wall)

Steel & Copper - 10" x 21"

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Shalom/Salaam:  A Conversation

Acrylic & Aluminum - 12" x 20.5" x 39"



This piece was a true revelation. I have always been interested in seeing similarities between people and objects. When I first started creating Judaic-related art, I looked for opportunities to show how Jews and Muslims are connected, where they share similarities rather than focusing on differences. My award-winning Mizrach is an example of that.


For this exhibit I wanted to creative a visual connection between the Hebrew word Shalom and the Arabic word Salaam. They are both mean PEACE and are derivations of the Proto-Semitic root Š-L-M. In Hebrew it is also hello and goodbye, while in Muslim countries, it is a way of greeting people.


As I approached the layout of these words in their language I was stunned how similar they are. Then I found by placing them on their side facing each other an image of two people having a conversation reiterated my philosophy.

I hope you are sharing conversations with “others” in the hope we’ll all learn more about ourselves and the world we co -inhabit over a lovely beverage.

Custom Size Commissions Available

Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe


Aluminum - 17" x 12" x 3"

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Finalist 2000 Niche Judaica Design Excellence

Mizrach is Hebrew for East. Traditionally, it is the direction Jews turn to to pray, just as the Islamic people do. With both of these religions it is a reminder of the spiritual connection to Jerusalem.


This direction is traditionally considered the beginning point. It is for this reason both Jewish and Islamic people turn to the east Jerusalem to begin their day with prayer and meditation. You can begin your own ritual at home by facing East each morning with a prayer and a moment of silent reflective thought.

Custom Size Commissions Available

Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe

Nevelson:  How Parts Make the Whole, Aleph

Recyled Metal - 41.5" x 21.5"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit


How Parts Make The Whole

(Aleph - Bet - Gimmel)


“If you study metaphysics you’ll see that we can get out of ourselves. And maybe there is a bit of danger – so what? You have to have the courage to try it. What would you do with life if you didn’t risk it?”  - Louise Nevelson

Louise Nevelson (1899-1988)


ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONIST SCULPTOR of monumental, monochromatic, wall pieces and outdoor sculptures. Her wood collages can be described as a process starting with singular objects turning them into complex parts, which collectively create the whole experience. This echoes how individual letters create words.


Certainly as a woman sculptor I feel connected to Louise, but I was thrilled when I realized she also studied metaphysics. I admire her strength and determination to begin again and again to achieve her goal of following her soul’s heart desire.

Custom Size Commissions Available - Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe

Nevelson:  How Parts Make the Whole, Gimmel

Recyled Metal - 18" x 37.5"

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Steel & Glass - 38" x 22" x 5"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit

The word Torah is derived from the Hebrew word, “to teach” and is considered the heart and soul of the Jewish People.

Since G-d selected Bezalel in Exodus 31:1-6 as the chief artisan of the Tabernacle, scribes have used a special calligraphy, STA”M, to write the Torah. Artisans have made silver adornments such as the breastplate, and rimmonim as well as a yad to read its holy words. All of this is placed over a textile mantle that protects the scroll. When not being read the Torah resides in a handmade Ark on the altar, symbolizing access to the divine, and is the spiritual center of the synagogue.


Standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before me, I have combined my artisan gift with the aleph-bet and light representing YEHI ‘OR רוֹא י הי


Let there be light.

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Special Orders Available

Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe

EXODUS 12:24

Bronze - 20" x 22" x 4"

$3,000 - SOLD

This Seder Plate, designed with symbols, patterns and colors intended to capture the younger generation's imagination and sense of wonder, has been created to stimulate religious feelings that strengthen and preserve the Passover legacy. Great care was employed to present the meaning behind the symbols, hence it can be appreciated and interpreted beyond surface beauty. 

The plate honors The Tabernacle, represented by Beth, the house-shaped center stone. The twelve sides reflect the Tribes of Israel who camped around The Tabernacle. As the sanctified dwelling place of God among men, The Tabernacle was enclosed. Similarly, the five seder symbols, in Hebrew, surround Beth. They are a design focus, as children today need more opportunity to experience the beauty of Hebraic calligraphy. Moses is seen in the water as an infant, parting the sea and receiving the Ten Commandments. The hand of God (yod) is seen cradling the earth, representing His power to deliver us with a mighty hand. At the zenith, iridescent ether supports two luminous hands reminding us of the Limitless Light, Ain Soph Aur. Between them is the cup of Elijah, filled with unbounded wisdom and pure worship to God. The top stone refers to the Tethgramnmaton. Six slaves hold the plate aloft, symbolizing the bondage in Egypt from which we were freed.

This plate, created from bronze which will last for generations, allowed me to respond to the Exodus XII:  24 imperative:  "You shall observe this as an institution for all time, for you and your descendants."



Steel & Copper - 36" x 48"



This Decalogue uses each letter to represent a number and a word, as well as each of the Ten Commandments in its entirety. Starting with Aleph (top right) they proceed aleph-betically in order through Yud, the last letter on the bottom left.


Both Jewish and Christian tradition hold the Ten Commandments are laws given to Moses created by the Hand of G-d. Therefore, they come from the highest authority and are the foundation of our ethics and morality.



Mixed Media on Paper - 24" x 20"

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This was the first effort to see if there was a pattern within the Aleph-bet to Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Here, as in the Sofer Stam’s formal style of calligraphy, there is no order to the elements but an interesting pattern emerged.


What I realized by laying out the letters in this fashion is there is no pattern to the elements and the Otiyot (letters), but the concept of elements is still structurally important.

Custom Size Commissions Available

Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe



Calligraphy on Rice Paper - 24" x 36"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit


STA"M is an acronym for the calligraphy used for sacred documents such as Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot. This writing style has tagin (crowns) on many of its letters. This is Bet Ari script. It is the traditional script of Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Arizal and is used by Eron the soferim (scribe) I studied with in Ashkelon, Israel. It is also referred to as Siddur Script as it is also used in siddurs (prayer books), ketubahs (marriage contracts) and birth certificates. 

I brought Eron torn-edged rice paper monoprints that I made in Tucson before I left for Israel. I divided the rice paper patterns into 4 sections to represent fire, earth, air and water. I labeled each so he could put the appropriate letter on the correct element. The final endeavor creates an easy way to see which letter is associated with what element. 

I am very thankful to Vered Otmy for connecting me with Eron. It is unusual for an Orthodox Jew to teach a woman. The prayer at the bottom is from Psalm 51 and is the prayer recited before the Amida, the morning prayer.

Adonai s'fatai tiftach     Ufee yagid t'hilatecha


(My Lord, Open my lips, that my youth

may declare your glory.)

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Watercolor - 17" x 24" x 1"

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According to the Talmud, before we were born, safely ensconced in the comfort of the womb, each soul (nefesh) had a personal angel in utero, who teaches us all the wisdom we will ever need to know on this planet. Everything. And then... just before we are born... the angel gives us a little "tap" between the nose and the upper lip and everything is immediately forgotten.


Your soul mission is to remember and act on what you were taught. When I was in Tsfat, summer of 2016, I collaborated on this painting with micro calligrapher Moshe Yair.

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Steel - 4' x 2'4" x 6'6"

Lynn Rae Lowe's Private Collection

My mother was a ballerina. At 84 she chose a dangerous spinal replacement rather than living without her joy of dance. She did not survive the operation and was cremated. I asked to be given whatever remained with her ashes. Holding them, I vowed to make a sculpture, using those parts. Her spine is the negative of my dancing figures using her actual spine screws attached to its base. The hand drawn, laser cut butterfly wings propelling her upward are attached to her surgically repaired rotator cuffs. Her Escher-esque head and neck are hand-formed. The aura, earth and kinetic spiral are found objects. It took 9 years to assemble these parts for "My Mother Will Rise Again" and it coincided with being given the opportunity for this exhibit. 

She was my greatest benefactor and supporter. I knew she wanted to be here for this exhibit.


Printed Vinyl on Acrylic - 43" x 30"

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Pop Art had its beginnings in 1961 when Lichtenstein’s son, pointing to a Mickey Mouse comic book challenged, "I bet you can't paint as

good as that, eh, Dad?”  

Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997)


POP ART. An interesting fact– both Warhol and Haring did a Mickey Mouse series in 1981... 20 years after Lichtenstein’s “Look Mickey” challenged response was created. Yet Warhol is considered the Father of Pop Art. Lichtenstein's signature Ben-Day dots, mechanical drawing and speech balloons became a trademark of Pop Art and its belief all forms of communication are filtered through codes or languages. It was obvious no one could better represent how Otiyot (Hebrew letters) are words as Lichtenstein’s artistry and creativity.

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                  CURSIVE ALEPH BET


Canvas - 36" x 48"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit


“I’ve experienced an elevation of spirit, almost a mystical happening, where I am not doing the painting. It evolves under its own mysterious power. This exquisite state of being simulates a religious experience.”


Ida Kohlmeyer (1912-1997)


ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONIST/GRIDS said to awaken ancient memories.Ida’s enduring interest in the native arts began on her honeymoon although as a traditional midcentury housewife in New Orleans, she didn’t take a class until after her second child was born. She found herself astonished and moved by the spiritual aspect of painting. She was influenced by Miro and his informal grid-like style. 


I selected a feminine and soft cursive font for Ida. Since she used the title “Symbols” for many of her paintings, it seemed fitting she would represent traditional glyphs associated with the aleph-bet.

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Acrylic Triptych - Three 24" x 32" Panels

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"My fascination with letting images repeat and repeat - or in film's case 'run on' - manifests my belief that we spend much of our lives seeing without observing.”

 Andy Warhol (1927-1987)


POP ART. Sometimes, when you are dedicated to conveying something intensely significant to you, you need to be aware that you don’t get so intent you lose your sense of humor. Although not Jewish himself, Warhol’s signature image of Campbell Soup cans is a perfect parody to include in this exhibit. Each letter of the alephbet is color-coded. The letter in the spoon and background color is

related; including “sofit” letters (letters ending words) brings this aleph-bet total to 27.

Custom Order Names & Words Available - Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe



Framed Show Print - 16" x 20"

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A high quality, limited edition silk screened print of Lynn Rae’s original sylph figures portrayed as angelic, joyful entities. The three muses are known to enhance your home with creative energy. Great for home or office, and makes a great gift.

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Steel - 18" x 4" x 11"

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Winner 2002 Niche Judaica Design Excellence

It was always my intention this menorah would be for children. 

Many families have a tradition of sitting with the flames of the chanukah candles until they burn out. I felt if the menorah had the whole aleph-bet.. aleph to would be as you were staring into an all inclusive world, beginning to end. Just think where that thought could take a naturally inquisitive, creative

child. But it’s not only the children who can benefit from the light of the menorah. Everyone sitting together and thinking of the significance this joyous holiday holds, brings us closer to the light.


One of the first Jewish rituals I can remember as a child was lighting the menorah. Perhaps it was a symbol of the connection with my ancestors, knowing this tradition is thousands of years old. One of my greatest blessings is knowing there are thousands of my menorahs around the world being lit on this joyous season of the miracle of Chanukah.

             OLITSKI:  GEMATRIA,

                        LETTERS AS NUMBERS

Aluminum - 24"

"Color in color is felt at any and every place of the pictorial organization; in its immediacy - its particularity. Color must be felt throughout."

Jules Olitski (1922-2007)


COLOR FIELD: Olitski excelled in the Color Field School of Art. He stained and sprayed pure color, as I do with my Aluminations®. Creating a clock allowed me to incorporate color with numbers to illustrate that

Israeli clocks still use letters for the hours, to this day.


Gematria is the same concept of letters having numerical value. Aleph to Yud represent 1 to 10; Chaf to Tzadi = 20 to 90; Kuf to Tav = 100 to 400. The numbers are figured in the same way Roman numerals are combined, as IV equals 4 or LXX equals 70.


Aluminum Panels - 22 Panels, 21" x 27" Each

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“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some are to be chewed and digested.”

                                                                                                                                     - Francis Bacon, Essays (1625)

                                                                                                                                       Bacon’s Essays By Francis Bacon, Richard Whately


An artist’s book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the form or function of “book” as inspiration. It is the artistic initiative seen in the illustration, choice of materials, creation process, layout and design that makes it an art object. A book that only contains text is simply a book; even if authored by an artist, it would be a book that belongs in a bookstore or the shelves of a library.


What truly makes an artist’s book is the artist’s intent, and artists have used the book as inspiration in myriad ways and techniques, from traditional to the experimental. It is my sincere desire that you will find inspiration and insight in this series. These 22 images represent my study of Kabbalistic symbols and systems delving into the deepest insights and essence of G-d. The Kabbalah is often referred to as the "soul" of the Torah. As a student of Kabbalah, I have been increasingly sensitized to the personal as well as the collective rectification process while being inspired to play an active part in it.


“Aleph to Tav” means first and last, beginning and end, and alpha to omega. It is here, at the sum total of everything, where hidden wisdom is revealed through metaphysics. This philosophical study deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. This book was created in 1999 for a one-person show at Chase Gallery in the West Hartford Connecticut JCC. Not only was it my first effort to convey the symbolism of the Aleph Bet through Kabbalah, astrology, tarot, numerology, and gematria, but it also was my initial efforts with patina on aluminum. This is the series that led me to my painting series: Aluminations. “Twenty-Two Vehicles of Light” in this exhibit is an example of how this original technique was developed over seven years into about 360 paintings.


Steel - 18" x 15"

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The Ten Commandments. This Decalogue Yad Holder uses each letter to represent a number and a word, as well as each of the Ten Commandments in its entirety. Starting with Aleph (top right) they proceed aleph-betically in order through Yud, the last letter on the bottom left.


Both Jewish and Christian tradition hold the Ten

Commandments are laws given to Moses created by the Hand of G-d. Therefore, they come from the highest authority and are the foundation of our ethics and morality.

(Yad not included, may be purchased

separately in The Art Store HERE .)


Twenty-Four  4" x 4" Gesso Board/Canvases ( Total Installation:  8" x 197")

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit


“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.”

                                                                                                                                              - Keith Haring

 Keith Haring (1958-1990)


POP ART. Haring achieved his Pop/Comic Art through whimsical graphic design and primacy of line. He created a visual language of vivid color and active figures that brings together man and the world. I find when I research so much, study with intensity or push myself

to achieve a personal goal, I can lose touch with the joy of my objective. Haring kept me inspired and smiling.

Custom Order Names & Words Available - Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe, or Click HERE to Purchase a Fine Art Print 



Acrylic on Canvas - 24" x 24"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit

“He wanted his art to have the same impact on all his viewers, striking a chord not because they had seen it before, but because it was so basic and elemental that it resounded within them.”

                                                      - Julio Gonzalez

Adolph Gottlieb (1903-1974)


PICTOGRAPHS. Gottleib radically changed his approach to painting while living in Tucson’s desert in 1937-1938. He used universal symbols that transcended time, place, and language to appeal to the level of the unconscious mind and to offer a pathway of release from a trouble-ridden period in history.


When I learned of Gottlieb’s pictographs, I felt I had discovered a kindred soul. His imagery, philosophy and style made me realize he was the perfect candidate for my astrological representation of letters using Celestial script.

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or Click HERE for a Framed Mini-Canvas


Twenty-Two 4" x 6" Acrylics on 8" x 10" Panels

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit


“I'm not an abstractionist. I'm not interested in the relationship of color or form or anything else. I'm interested only in expressing basic human emotions: tragedy, ecstasy, doom, and so on.”                                                                                          - Mark Rothko                                          

Mark Rothko (1903-1970)


ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM / COLOR FIELD. Works of Freud, Jung and archetypes of the collective unconsciousness influenced Rothko. It was Nietzsche who influenced his artistic goal of relieving modern man’s spiritual emptiness. He wanted maximum interpretation without hindrance. Luminous colored rectangles were used as simplified means to evoke emotional responses. I selected

Rothko to hide the letters in the color field to see if you, the viewer, can evoke any meaning when looking at the paintings. He advocated standing 18 feet away but since these panels are so small, I advise you stand 18” away.

Custom Order Names & Words Available - Click HERE to contact Lynn Rae Lowe, or Click HERE to Purchase a Fine Art Print 


Vinyl Print on Acrylic - 24" x 12"

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                              “What makes for great art is the courage to speak and write and paint what you know and care about.”                                                                                                        

Audrey Flack (1931-    )


PHOTO REALIST PAINTER. Flack pioneered this art genre, and was one of the first artists to use a projection of a photograph as an aid to painting. Flack’s paintings concentrated on highly emotional social and political themes, and she emphasized symbolism to create “universal” work that all can relate to and understand. She is known for her feminine color schemes.


There are many opportunities for preschoolers to learn the alephbet – cuddly animals, fruits and vegetables– but fewer to inspire school-age children. Using Audrey Flack's Photorealism technique, I’ve created the complete aleph-bet with familiar objects to appeal to children of all ages who love color.

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Watercolor - 11" x 22"

NFS - Part of Traveling Exhibit

"I am distrustful of oversimplifications but nonetheless think that there is nothing very new in any period of art: what is true is that it is only something new for the painter & that this thin edge is what matters."                  - Louis Morris


Louis Morris (1912-1962)


COLOR FIELD: When I created Flack’s vibrantly colored aleph-bet of pencils, I realized I had to do the nikudot– the vowels– as educational tools, companion pieces. I found Morris Louis, who held his large paintings learning to control the flow and stain of rivulets of color. This created an image of a funnellike vessel holding the vowels and complemented Flack while both held their own styles. My Aluminations® are created in the same way as Louis did his stained canvases, holding them and dancing them into being.

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         OF THE MATTER

Framed Watercolor - 22" x 28"

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"We deal with letters every day, they are so common we don't notice them. They are caught up in words."                                     - Jim Dine


Jim Dine (1935-    )


POP ART. In 1962, Dine joined Lichtenstein, Warhol and others in a groundbreaking exhibit, New Painting of Common Objects. This exhibition is historically considered one of the first "Pop Art" exhibitions in America where everyday objects took on new significance. This was the first artist I used because it is the symbol of אהבה Ahava, Love.

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Photographs - 36" x 22" x 1"

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I have returned to Tsfat, the Mystical City carved into a hill, four times since my first visit in 2010. Since the first time I wandered the white stoned paths, I was intrigued by what laid beyond its gates. The Kabbalah began there in the 16th century and is connected to Sefer Yetzirah which begins, "With thirty-two mystical paths of wisdom God (Yah...) engraved and created His universe.”


The 32 paths of wisdom are related to the word ‘heart’. In Hebrew, the word for heart is Lev – לב . It has the gematria value of 32. The Torah begins with the letter Bet – ב and ends with the letter Lamed – .ל


The idea of using my gates to create an image that evoked a journey through the Gates of Wisdom was a collaboration with my grandson Samuel Alexander and a ten-year dream realized.

I extend an invitation for you to stare at one of gates until it opens and reveals its wisdom to you.

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Steel - 8" x 12"

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Winner 1998 Niche Award for Judaica Design Excellence

"This exquisite award-winning design captures the essence of the holiday season with its bright translucent colors and joyful figures proudly holding the lights aloft.”

Menorahs always held a fascination for me. As I light the candles I realize my ancestors did the exact same thing. And now millions of people all over the world were staring at the candles just as I was doing. But I certainly never dreamed that over 10,000 families would be lighting a menorah I created. They continue to light my way as the Dancing Sylphs continue to bring creativity to my journey.



Sterling Silver - 1" x 1.5"

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Sterling Silver - 1" x 2.5"

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Bronze - 9"

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Traditionally a Yad is permanently attached to the Torah breastplate to aid in reading the finely written text.  Recently, Yads have become a popular gift, especially for Bar or Bat Mitzvah’s commemorating the honor of reading from the Torah.  A loop at the top allows you to attach a ribbon or chain of your choice if you wish to hang the art. 



Steel - 6" x 3" x 12"

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Adam Kadmon is seen as the spark– the crown– on top of the first letter Yud representing the pristine spiritual realm in creation, the first Divine Will that created the creation. Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei (YHVH) is often referred to as the Unutterable Name. Linguistically, it is related to the Hebrew root Hei-Yud-Hei (To Be), and reflects the fact that God's existence is eternal.



Aluminum - 15" x 15" x 24"

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The Greek philosopher Philo interpreted “Adam Kadmon” as "original man," or "heavenly man." Stacking these four Hebrew letters creates a human form… and embodies dimensions of consciousness within human experience.


YUD –  Head: Atziluth/Divine                           Wisdom. Initial flash of

              inspiration, concept.


HEI –    Shoulders and arms:        



             Broadening of concept                      (detail).


VAV –  Heart: Yetzirah/Divine                        Emotions. Transformation,

             emotional involvement and                drawing of actual plans.


HEI –    Legs: Assiah/Divine Action.

             Practicalities, action.



Aluminum - 62" x 35"

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WHAT ARE SYLPHS? In mythology, all of the elements have spirits. Some of them are quite common in the arts: the gnomes and elves of the earth element and the mermaids of the water. Less known is that salamanders rule fire and sylphs rule the air.


Each element is given responsibilities. Sylphs direct the modeling of snowflakes and gathering the clouds. The Greeks believed it was the sylphs that spoke through the Oracles. Some believe them to be The Muses.


Sylphs were given the eastern corner of creation from whence new ideas dawn. They reign over souls with mirthful, changeable, and eccentric temperaments and are the patrons of inspirations, creativity and genius.


Sylphs are the elemental nomads, invisible but ever-present powers in the creative activity of the universe. It is said wherever one finds sylphs creativity will also be present.



Steel & Copper - 2.5" x 5.5" x 11"

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For this piece of ritual art the letters of Shalom are arranged from top to bottom. Shalom is the traditional greeting and farewell salutation as well as the word for Peace. "After the lighting of the Erev Shabbath candles my family and guests embrace one another with the joyful wish of Shabbat Shalom. Try it, you’ll like it."

                                  - Lynn Rae Lowe

For this piece of ritual art the letters of Shabbat are arranged from top to bottom. Created for Friday night services the word Shabbat supports the Light. "After lighting the candles, family and guests embrace one another with the joyful wish of Shabbat Shalom."
                               - Lynn Rae Lowe



Steel & Copper - 3" x 6" x 9.5"

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Aluminum - 32" x 43" x 4"

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